We offer moderate prices as compared to larger language services providers (LSPs) and are always open to price negotiations depending on the actual budget of every individual translation project.
from 0.06EUR or 0.08USD per word
- Web-sites, e-mails, articles, menus
- 100% Moneyback
- Quality Assurance
- Only Native Translators
- Project Management
- Paid Glossary Creation
- Review by 2nd Translator
- Unlimited Post-Revisions
from 0.07EUR or 0.09USD per word
- Technical, financial, medical
- 100% Moneyback
- Quality Assurance
- Only Native Translators
- Project Management
- Free Glossary Creation
- Review by 2nd Translator
- Unlimited Post-Revisions
from 0.10EUR or 0.12USD per word
- Maximum quality for every text
- 100% Moneyback
- Quality Assurance
- Only Native Translators
- Project Management
- Free Glossary Creation
- Review by 2nd Translator
- Unlimited Post-Revisions